
Max Mobile

Deliver compelling weather forecasting on mobile from your own branded app.

Expand your digital presence, drive revenue, and engage with audiences on the go

Capture your growing mobile audience, enabling your talent to use their expertise to tell weather and traffic stories as only they can, with local knowledge and perspective that national apps can’t match. And you’ll bring breaking stories to mobile users with the immediacy they expect of their most trusted news sources, thanks to Max Mobile’s robust alerting engine. With your own mobile app, you’ll also enjoy a new revenue stream from in-app advertising.

Create digital content to help grow revenue

Reach your viewers with a solution that helps increase mobile sessions by delivering hyperlocal, relevant weather information.


Extend your brand reach

Reach mobile users first with hyperlocal weather and traffic information throughout the day​.

Drive mobile engagement

Engage users with configurable cards optimized for video and providing flexible ad size, placement, and display capacity.

Boost advertising revenue

Monetize user interactions through personalized mobile advertising tactics and innovative sponsorship experiences.​

Improve user experience

Integrate accurate, updated weather data in an ad-free mobile interface, which includes features such as an industry-leading interactive map, 24-hour future radar, 15-day forecasts, 30-mile lightning alerts, and more.

Experience Max Mobile in action

Download this app to see how Max Mobile helps real customers engage with their audience across devices.


Learn more
Hand holding a phone showing Max Mobile.

Frequently asked questions

Can Max Mobile deliver timely alerts?

Yes, Max Mobile allows you to bring breaking stories to mobile users at the touch of a button using Max Mobile’s robust alerting engine.

How does Max Mobile compare to national apps?

Max Mobile enables your talent to use their expertise to tell weather and traffic stories as only they can. Information is provided on a hyper-local scale, providing knowledge and perspective that national apps can’t match.

Can Max Mobile support various streams of content?

Max Mobile comes equipped with the ability to bring in multiple streams of content from your station, CMS, or weather team through other weather products such as Max Engage.

Does Max Mobile support ads?

Yes, Max Mobile supports video pre-roll, native, or in-video advertising or through promotional or e-commerce messaging allowing for an increase in mobile ad revenue.

How accurate is Max Mobile?

Max Mobile uses weather data from The Weather Company, the world’s most accurate weather forecaster overall, according to a 2017-2022 study from ForecastWatch: Global and Regional Weather Forecast Accuracy Overview, 2017-2022, commissioned by The Weather Company.

Does Max Mobile require any hardware?

No, Max Mobile is integrated into your organization’s existing Max hardware footprint, requiring no additional hardware.

Do I need to learn how to use all Max products separately?

No, Max Mobile integrates with all the other Max components, leaving only one system to learn.

How do I reach The Weather Company Support team?

For linear TV product questions, call 978.983.6350, email [email protected] or submit a ticket via The Weather Community.

For digital/mobile product questions, email [email protected].

Let’s talk

To learn more about using Max Mobile to deliver compelling weather content for mobile audiences, contact our media experts today.

Contact Us