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Max Sky
On-air 3D weather graphics include realistic landscapes for a hyper-local experience.
Take viewers on a 3D graphic journey that’s like looking out the window
Max Sky uses the industry-leading GRAF model for more detailed, hyper-local landscape and weather forecast visualizations. Take your viewers on a virtual journey from day to night using detailed maps, city models, and astronomical effects. Max Sky is packed with over 200 cloud templates and delivers 3D weather forecast models and visualizations of lightning, water, and wind streams that help create a more realistic look at the weather.
Open a window on tomorrow’s weather
See how Max Sky’s realistic weather graphics can help make your on-air weather broadcast more informative and authoritative.
Product spotlight
Frequently asked questions
Engaging, on-air 3D graphics help to bring weather data to life and empower meteorologists to enhance their broadcast storytelling.
On-air sky and cloud graphics add unprecedented realism to a weather broadcast. With Max Sky, graphic details are so refined that local landmarks are clearly visible, engaging an audience beyond the means of traditional broadcasts.
Max Sky uses an enhanced version of the industry-leading Global Resolution Atmospheric Forecasting Model (GRAF) for more detailed, hyper-local forecast visualizations.
Max Sky’s graphics include over 200 cloud templates, along with precipitation and lightning animations to create realistic terrain views. Advanced particle animations are capable of generating rain, sleet, snow, and dramatic wind-driven precipitation. Max Sky also includes atmospheric effects like realistic lightning and can create illuminated nighttime cityscapes.
No, Max Sky is a supplement to the Max ecosystem, so there’s only one system to learn, and all components integrate seamlessly with each other.
No, Max Sky is integrated into your organization’s existing Max hardware footprint, requiring no additional hardware.
No, Max Sky does not require additional staff or intensive training to use, as it operates through a simple interface.
For linear TV product questions, call 978.983.6350, email [email protected] or submit a ticket via The Weather Community.
For digital/mobile product questions, email [email protected].
Let’s talk
To learn more about how weather graphics from Max Sky can take viewers on a virtual journey, contact our media experts today.
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